
Logistics Knowledge Library

How does Wal-mart solve the problem of distribution by cross-docking technique?

How does Wal-mart solve the problem of distribution by cross-docking technique?

In the supply chain management (SCM) industry, cross-docking has become an important method for optimizing transportation and storage operations. One of the famous examples of cross-docking's success is Walmart, the world's leading retail corporation with over 12,000 stores in 28 countries worldwide. With its impressive number of stores, Walmart's efficient supply chain management and inventory management are worth learning from. Walmart's logistics operations rely on a distribution technique called "cross-docking."
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Everything is decided from DATA INPUT - Understanding the PUTAWAY strategy by using ABC analysis

Everything is decided from DATA INPUT - Understanding the PUTAWAY strategy by using ABC analysis

Everything is decided from DATA INPUT Understanding the PUTAWAY strategy by using ABC analysis   For every warehouses want to pick up goods faster and increase the outbound productivity. The solution is the putaway strategy. Putaway and Picking are key processes in warehouse operations. Although they seem to be independent processes, the Putaway and Picking strategies are actually causally related. Today let's learn how to increase productivity through Putway strategy by applying ABC analysis
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What is Multimodal Transportation?

What is Multimodal Transportation?

Multimodal transportation is a method of transporting goods using at least two different modes of transportation, based on a multimodal transport contract, a transport document, a liability regime and only one person responsible for the cargo throughout the transportation process from one point in one country to a designated point in another country for delivery
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Major Bottlenecks and Problems in the Procurement Process

Major Bottlenecks and Problems in the Procurement Process

When making a purchase, businesses need to pay attention to a few pieces of information and purchasing lists. These common requirements are condensed and known as the “5 right”: right quality ingredients, right time, right quantity, right price, and the right source. However, Procurement activities also have potential risks that can cause delays and reduce supply chain efficiency. More seriously, it can affect the reputation of the business. Aware of the above problems, CJ GMD introduces to you 4 risks associated with common solutions in Procurement that businesses need to grasp and develop an improvement and development plan.
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The excessive inventory level creates pressure on both profit and storage costs

The excessive inventory level creates pressure on both profit and storage costs

According to CNBC, excessive inventory levels have put pressure on the profits of many companies, leading to surplus supply and the inability to reduce storage costs. In a recent CNBC survey, 36% of respondents said they expected inventory levels to return to normal in the second half of this year, 21% hoped for normalcy in the first half of this year, and the rest hoped for the first half of 2024. However, supply chain managers cannot be certain about the timing of inventory relief.
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